3 definitions by T and D Associates

A reaction to a situation that has become so unbelievably disproportionatly unstable that the problem at hand cannot be corrected or remedied.
Yo dawg, 'dey got a truck-yard down 'ayre dat is Jackt-UPPED!! You shou see all dem puddles and mud!
by T and D Associates July 27, 2008
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Primarily used in the hospitality industry; The act of offering breakfast coupons to disgruntled guests to remedy absolutely any type of negative situation. It's a very cheap (virtually free) means of averting the guest's attention as well as mildly satisfying them.
That guest was pissed dawg...pulled the ol' breakfast coupon shuffle and she was fine.
by T and D Associates July 27, 2008
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A teenager desperately trying to gain popularity by means of either posting positive remarks for their significant other or negative remarks against their arch nemesis on the popular website of urban dictionary; as a rule of thumb, general results are the same and end up with epic failure (in both the posting of the term and the relationship they currently hold).
Tom: "Nicole is the most angelic of all beings ever created."
Fred: "Dude....stop it...you're an urbtard."
by T and D Associates July 25, 2008
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