4 definitions by Sweetie2203

Adams are the best guys you’ll ever meet! They are really outgoing and fun, they’re very creative, cute and immensely sexy. They have the most gorgeous eyes you’ll ever see and the cutest smile EVER!! If you’ve got one in your life don’t let go of them because your very lucky! They are very forgiving for the ones they love and don’t make war but create peace.

If you have one in your life (friend or boyfriend or family) then becarful, although they are forgiving, they get upset easily. They are the best people on this planet and also the best kissers.

They are practically perfect in every way (like Marry Poppins)
Girl: Have you seen that super sexy cute Guy over there staring at you??!
Girl: Yeah that’s my boyfriend Adam, please stop checking him out
by Sweetie2203 June 30, 2018
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Adam is one of the best people you will ever meet. They look like a huflepuff but are actually a griffindor. They are really sexy and sometimes are ginger with brown eyes. They are annoying at the start but really nice when you get to know them. If you have one in your life, hold them tight and never let go because they really are the best thing that has happened to you
Person 1- who’s that sexy sweet guy over there?
Person2- oh that’s Adam
by Sweetie2203 April 12, 2018
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Adam is one of the sexiest people you’ll ever meet, there cute, handsome, thoughtful and (in my case ginger). They’re always there for you and will always help. They sometimes love Mozzarella and other Italian food, if you’ve got one in your life hold on to him, he’s a real keeper
Adam sent me the sweetest text last night
by Sweetie2203 May 24, 2018
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A Gabriella is a girl who is bright, funny, outgoing,.... But she can also be a stuck up bitch.

Gabriellas rarely get annoyed but when they do, they turn into devils so the best thing to do is to calm them down.
Gabriellas are also very sarcastic and rude but only when necessary.

Gabriellas would do anything to help their loved ones, even if that means cutting an arm, they'd probably do it.

If you have one in your life than your very lucky, they might think their full of problems but without them your nothing.

For people they love they'd do anything, they change any bad habits for the people they love and they don't ask for much either, they just want someone who love them for who they are and that's it
Boy 1: guess what I got a girlfriend, gabriella
Boy 2: WTF dude well done, when did you tell her??
Boy 1: I didn't she asked me
Boy 2: cool so what's she like?
Boy 1: she's so cute, she sends the cutest thing...
by Sweetie2203 January 11, 2019
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