3 definitions by SportySport

Taint Heathen (n.) - One, male or female, who applies constant oral pressure to that special area that lies between the anus and the scrotum on the male body during fornication
I'm tellin' ya man, in that three-way last night, I was railin' Bitch #1 while I had Bitch #2 play my Taint Heathen.
by SportySport July 9, 2009
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kiting (v.) - sneaking off with a member of the female gender, usually in a public setting, to have a quickie; can occur in Port-a-Johns, behind large storage containers, on roofs of buildings, back alleys, closets, etc. This "meeting" usually has nothing to do at all with love and is a pure spur-of-the-moment decision that is 9 times out of 10 not discussed post-copulation.

ALSO: to kite (infinitive), kited (past tense)
Drake: "You hear what happened this mornin', man?"

Niko: "What's that?"

Drake: "John was totally kiting some fat chick in that outhouse when he thought no one was lookin'!"

Niko: "Whoa! He's gotta take peer jury more seriously, man."
by SportySport July 11, 2009
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1. (n.) - short for orgasm

2. (v.) - to release one's semen in an embarassing way
1. "The thinner the condom, the better the org. Period."

2. "Dude, when her tit popped out, I may have orgged down my leg a little."
by SportySport July 11, 2009
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