10 definitions by Songg Righta

1. noun: penis
2. noun (pejorative): person displaying a mindless persistence reminiscent of the machine-like repetitive thrusts of a penis engaged in intercourse
1. How's your jelly-jabber?
2. Uh oh, there goes that jelly-jabber again...
by Songg Righta March 15, 2004
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noun (pejorative): person guilty of using a concentration of hair products so extreme that their hair-do is rendered immobile in gale-force winds
I can't believe the number of Pez Heads in attendance at this disco, Salma...perhaps we should leave.
by Songg Righta March 15, 2004
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I am of the opinion that her jiggly baldies, though of great merit, do not surpass the quality of her soul itself in contemplation
by Songg Righta March 15, 2004
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Cynthia reported that two chugs of baby spray emitted from Sebastian's soup-shooter, but she ducked the tag and it splashed a Pez Head bystander instead.
by Songg Righta March 15, 2004
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1. noun: rectum
2. noun (pejorative): dink
3. adjective: of little merit
1. Me gotz crusty pucker itch cuz no wipey good
2. yo crusty pucker hush up we tryin' to watch da paporno movie!
3. What ho, these ding dongs are crusty pucker!
by Songg Righta March 15, 2004
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