26 definitions by Snocap

The clockwise or counterclockwise circular movement created by the contour of one's body when attempting to find a comfortable and successful sleep position. The individual may first try the "on the side" approach, but once that doesn't work, he/she may attempt to move to the "on the stomach" approach, followed by the "other side", and then finally "the back". Once the full circle fails, he/she then tries to repeat the entire process again, resulting in the form of a barrel roll.
Due to Paul's insomnia, he had a bad case of the barrel rolls for hours and then finally ended up just rubbing one out.
by Snocap September 21, 2006
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Violating someone's 3 foot personal space rule, getting in someone's grill, and being way too close for comfort.
I don't understand why Maleeq is always shopping in my store? He needs to step off and get away from me with his funky breath.
by Snocap September 29, 2006
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A gathering of lesbian women who can be found out in the wilderness on vacation. Breakstone refers to the cottage cheese ass that exists, creating a less than attractive, saggy, and spotted fatty look in their cellulite areas. These are often angry women who tend to trade fur amongst themselves out of default.
Claire, Bertha, and Rhonda decided to go to Breakstone Mountain and get all of their man-hating thoughts off their chests, while eating high carb and high fat foods.
by Snocap September 19, 2006
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A female sexual organ, literally derived from box. It is mainly used within the context of the possibility of obtaining such a thing. In other words, "getting bix".
Brandon, Josh, Amay, and John went to the party, with the hopes of finding some bix to plow.
by Snocap September 19, 2006
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n. the broadened and exaggerated weightlifters stance used to accentuate one's shoulders, resulting in a look as if they are holding heavy suitcases in either hand. Those with a Naploeon Complex also tend to utilize this technique to overcompensate for their lack of physique.
After Joey left the gym, he walked around his house with invisible luggage and it quickly gave him the reassurance he needed to feel like a powerhouse.
by Snocap September 19, 2006
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n. A term to describe male masturbation on an airplane or any other mode of transportation, at a significant height.
Willie got tired of reading all of the boring magazines on his flight, so he decided to head to the bathroom for a hijack.
by Snocap September 19, 2006
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Literally, the acronym BFFWFN, which translates to "Bad From Far, Worse From Near". This term refers to an individual who may find someone unattractive from a distance, yet from up close, he or she looks even more repulsive.
Dave saw Rhonda from across the street and realized that she was busted up. He later bumped into her at the corner store and nearly hurled all over that biffwiffin.
by Snocap September 19, 2006
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