48 definitions by SkidMarkyMark

adj. The appearance and actions of a poor, inbred, usually white-trash person. Scuddy people live in trailers or backwoods shacks with no electricity or running water. Adults subsist on a diet of cigarettes, lite beer, and welfare cheese. Children subsist on a single meal per day: school lunch, with a particular affinity for tater tots. Because they tend not to have running water, scuddy people tend to smell horrible. This is a particularly popular term in Southern Ohio.
Once, in Junior High, I saw this scuddy kid dump Farley Wireman's tater-tots on the floor. He responded by beating him. Alas, Farley was so scuddy the blood remained on his sleeve for the remainder of the year. That was his only shirt.
by SkidMarkyMark June 2, 2006
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n. Describing a female with a deligtfully sweet bosom; a delicious pair of breasts.
"What do you think you're looking at, sugar tits?" said the inebriated Mel Gibson to the arresting deputy.
by SkidMarkyMark July 30, 2006
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Blowjobs after marriage are like Bigfoot: you hear stories, occasionally you see pictures, but you never experience it for yourself.
by SkidMarkyMark June 5, 2006
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An epithet used to express extreme frustration. It's funny because it refers to Ned Beatty's character getting ass-rammed by hillbillies in the movie "Deliverance," while defeating the listener's expectation that an orifice, rather than a geographic location, will be mentioned as the terminal word. Originated by maddox.
"Fuck me in the Ozarks," screamed the alien when I threw water on him and he started melting.
by SkidMarkyMark June 3, 2006
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n. A car--generally either a hybrid, a 15-year-old station wagon, or a rustbucket Geo--that features this bumper sticker on the rear:

"Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."

It's actually legal to run this car off the road, pull the driver out, and beat them to death.
I saw a dragon wagon on the freeway the other day, so I killed the occupant, who was one of those annoying SCA types, before he could breed.
by SkidMarkyMark January 28, 2007
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n. A gastrointestinal problem suffered after eating food from Washington, DC's "Ben's Chili Bowl" restaurant. They serve the world's nastiest chili, and it will fuck you up good. Expect it to kick in about five hours after eating there, and plan on spending the next four hours or so on the toilet, spraying out high-pressure jets of liquishit that will burn your anus and permanently stain your toilet's porcelain.
Pbbbththth squirrrrrrrrrtt dribbledribbledribble flibberappappappapp pooooooooooooot pbbbbbthththththt splash. "Oh god, I'm suffering from Ben's Chili Bowels! Make it stop!!!"
by SkidMarkyMark October 23, 2009
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v. to achieve an erection
"I am hard as a rock," said Congressman Foley to the 16-year-old boy, "so tell me when yours reaches rock."
by SkidMarkyMark October 3, 2006
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