2 definitions by Shapeshifter

A: Did you see Matrix:Revolutions yet?
B: Yes, AAMOF, I saw it the day it came out.
by Shapeshifter October 15, 2003
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The most evil failtroll on Encyclopedia Dramatica, he is actually a frog merchant in disguise working as part of the Reptilians plan to brainwash people.

He is truly ghoulish in personality traits but on the outside appears normal, only by wearing the sunglasses from They Live can you see what he truly looks like.

His known aliases including Cyan-King, Fake Andria Kilgore, and 78MagnumXE.

He has a disgusting obsession with wanting to get rid of Mariana but his plans always end up being backfire much like with Wile Coyote.
"Man that Chris Marek is such a creep."

"Freddy Krueger got nothing on Chris Marek."
by Shapeshifter March 4, 2012
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