5 definitions by SenorToastYT

A person who forces veganism on people and looks down on them for eating meat. They think of you as a literal fucking spawn of Satan if you eat meat/
One example of a Veganazi can be "That Vegan Teacher"
by SenorToastYT February 11, 2021
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A great system for making particles, and very versatile. I heard someone overthrew the government with it.
Dani: You've never heard of Unity's Particle System? It's a great system for making particles.
by SenorToastYT February 7, 2021
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The sauce joke, usually used in a YouTube Poop, is an editing technique (popularized by DaThings1) in which the first half of a word is duplicated, and the duplicate is reversed. This can make the word "so" become "sos".
I might add a sauce joke to my ytp.
by SenorToastYT January 5, 2020
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A person who is super accident prone, so if you have any expensive things, and a Jeffery in your house, keep them both locked up.
Wait... Jeffery is coming over... crap...
by SenorToastYT October 28, 2019
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A series of YouTube short films created by YouTuber TomSka (Real Name Thomas Ridgewell). The style of comedy is random, yet somehow makes sense. This led to many memes and well known characters like the Suicidal Muffin, The "I Like Trains" Kid and "Beep Beep I'm a Sheep".
"The AsdfMovie 13 will be coming out next year."
by SenorToastYT September 24, 2019
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