49 definitions by R

Auntcle is a neutral term for aunt/uncle.

Made by a drunk asian boy sitting infront of his laptop, Auntcle was made to be a gender neutral term to use for Aunt/Uncle.
P1: Hey, (First name) should I call you aunt or uncle?
P2: Auntcle, I am Auntcle (First name). It's the gender neutral term.

Hey guys this is my Auntcle Alex!
by R December 9, 2018
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That guy is coffex.
by R March 1, 2005
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I'm half Jamaican and half Chinese, Jamasian.
by R June 19, 2006
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keeps things healthy
stand up for your rights!
what we need
by R March 2, 2004
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same thing as a rice burner only its's worth alot less.
That busted old rice burner is a peice of Jap scrap
by R May 20, 2004
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A stupid thing that pops up when you try to look at your favuurite porno video at school/work

"Awwwwwww fuck! RM Safetynet blocked this shit"
by R May 8, 2005
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