3 definitions by Pwncake Jones

It is the skin that is harvested from a nub. Nubhides can only be harvested by a nubzor
Nubspawn:Dude u killed that nub!
Nubzor:Im going to fucking skin his nubhide.
by Pwncake Jones June 2, 2006
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One who pwns nubs for the majority of his existence, sometimes even during sleep. A nubzor is able to harvest pwnanas and nubhides without being pwned.
Nubspawn: dude, you are a badass
Nubzor: I am going to pwn ur nubhide, dumbass!
by Pwncake Jones June 2, 2006
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The form in which pwntassium is stored, which is the pure form of ultimate pwnage. It can only be harvested by a nubzor.
nubspawn: Dude you are pwning so many nubhides!
Nubzor: It's cause i ate my pwnana this morning!
by Pwncake Jones June 2, 2006
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