15 definitions by PsychedMF

When you're bored as hell so you press every key on your keyboard starting at the bottom right, working towards the left in columns
I've already tried 1234567890qqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm and 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik9ol0p, so I guess I'll type in mlpnko0bji9vhu8cgy7xft6zdr5se4aw3q21
by PsychedMF August 21, 2021
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Dipping a spliff in DXM containing cough syrup, or just simply being under the effects of weed, nicotine, and DXM simultaneously.
I smoked a candy blunt and was so dissociated I saw myself in third person
by PsychedMF July 30, 2021
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5-Bromo-DMT (5-bromo-N,N-dimethyltryptamine), or 5-Br-DMT for short, is a derivative of DMT extracted from certain sea sponges.
That 5-Bromo-DMT had me trippin, I smoked 100mg and couldn't even move
by PsychedMF August 21, 2021
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Taking DMT along with any euphoria inducing drug, such as salvia, MDMA, or shrooms
I think that shaman flip last night gave me Cotard's Syndrome
by PsychedMF July 30, 2021
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Being under the influence of DXM and ecstasy simultaneously
Last night I tried a robo flip and it felt like I was the main character in a movie
by PsychedMF July 30, 2021
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Mixing PCP and Cocaine. Also known as a whack.
I did a space flip last night and convinced myself that I am god
by PsychedMF July 30, 2021
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Getting drugs from your dealer with the agreement that you'll pay once you get money
Ayo this David mf keeps fronting more acid and he still hasn't paid yet
by PsychedMF August 21, 2021
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