14 definitions by Pretty Vacant

1: an ineffective substance that is given to someone who thinks it will have a physical effect on them. Psychology dontcha know...
2: A band that makes the most sublime music i have ever heard. Beautiful, thumping basslines, spine tingling vocals and shuddering guitars....mmmmmm
1: A Placebo was administered to patients in an experiment to see if their illness was psychological or physical
2: My god Brian Molko is one sexy bitch......*goes over all schnoogly*
by Pretty Vacant May 14, 2004
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someone (me) who believes that their music taste is all defining. which, obviously, it is.
you like metallica. you suck. you like eighties matchbox. you rule.
by Pretty Vacant September 2, 2004
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i smoosh my mint ice cream with strawberry ice cream and chocolate sprinkles...mmmmmmmm. smooshy.
by Pretty Vacant May 14, 2004
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to feel all squishy and nice inside
After seeing a picture of a particaularly cute kitten and/or Brian Molko:
"ooohh...i've gone over all schnoogly"
by Pretty Vacant May 14, 2004
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the rawkingest post hardcore/emo band EVER! The hair! Its aliiive! augh! IKSOSE:3 is fabulous...mmmmm shiny and new...
Bring on The 29th man! wooooooo!
Emo Dude #1: Hey, you going to see Coheed and Cambria Tonight?
Emo Dude #2: Yeah, cool! Rawk on man!
by Pretty Vacant May 17, 2004
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to bounce up and down without ones feet leaving the ground
when going to see a schroomadelic band i would bop as moshing is out of the question and the musics too good to stand still. if you're not doing the funky chicken that is...
by Pretty Vacant May 14, 2004
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