196 definitions by Peter

To take a credit card out of your wallet and stash it somewhere in the house. A sock drawer is a common place to use, hence the name. The idea is that by limiting your access to the card, you'll be less likely to use it and run up your balance.
I've saved hundreds of dollars ever since I sockdrawered my Visa card last year.
by Peter October 13, 2005
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1. a guy who has the BIGGEST COCK in the world and likes to get head and poonanny and some pooty at that,

2. a man who is horny as a mug and wants to see poonanny(VAGINA)
1. Damn, he must be a petay cause i can see his wang from here.

2. He is a petay cause i don't even no him and he grabbed my vagina.
by Peter March 11, 2005
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synonomous with circle jerk. (pretend that you are cross-country skiing, moving your arms up and down vigorously)
"the yankees suck. how about some ski pole action?"
by Peter October 15, 2003
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the best cs player in the world. He is a sexy mother fucker. He owns everyone. he is cool
by Peter September 21, 2003
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an insult, likening someone to one of the children on the Jerry Lewis promotional poster for his telethon. aka: Jerry's Kid
That dude needs help, that friggin' poster child.
by Peter April 16, 2004
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