13 definitions by Perhaps?

Noun, Adjective

1. There exists very few words worse than “cuntfick”, this is a word that seldom should be used unless absolutely necessary.
“Oh Christ, Carol! You’re such a cuntfick!!!”
by Perhaps? June 10, 2022
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The sweet, watery, succulent vagina on any plant in existence.
Man: “Ah shit, Darin, I got that sweet plantussy from my Aunt Irene’s hydrangea.”
by Perhaps? July 16, 2022
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Noun, Adjective

1). In lieu of the dated term “Chinamen”, a much inclusive term propped up and that word is “Chinapeople
2). To describe a group of people as “chinapeople
Man: “Got dang it, Irma! That there chinamen folk be talkin’ up space’ go on and git the gun”
Irma: “I will do no such thing, and using a term like ‘chinamen’ promotes a white supremacist heteronormative race-based, patriarchal ideal of the average persons from an asian country.”
Man:” Wot in tarnashin’?”
Irma:”We don’t call them “chinamen” we call them “chinapeople”.
by Perhaps? June 12, 2022
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The silky and wet vagina located in the front of the store as well as through the “bonus hole” (also known as the back of the store). The Walmartussy is, objectively, some of the best pussy anyone can get.
Man: “Hey, Jerome, what’s up?”
Jerome: “Aw shit, man, I am pent the fuck up, know what I mean?”
Man: “Oh I get you. Come along with me and we can get some Walmartussy and tag team the bitch.”
Jerome: “Business in front, party in the back if you catch my drift.”
by Perhaps? July 19, 2022
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1.A name for a very kind hearted person with a pure soul and a wonderful personality. A niqquanda is a person that takes no shit from anyone and knows when to stand up for themself.

2. Another and more humours way of saying “nigga”.
Man 1: “Hey, Gerald! Have you met my wife Niqquanda?”
Gerald: “I have, she’s fantastic.”

Random dude: “How’s it hangin’, my Niqquanda?”
by Perhaps? January 30, 2023
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Adjective, interjection, noun

1). Busha has undetermined slavic origins and is used in place of “bullshit” or “hogwash”. “Busha” is what any random slavic person says in an instance where they can’t believe what is being said.

2). A fat and hairy vagina
Woman: “oh no, Ivan, we have no more potatoes.”
Ivan: “busha!”
by Perhaps? July 13, 2022
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Noun(?), Adjective
1.Boochified, having characteristics of which could be described as being of a rather “boochie” nature.
2. A noun used to describe a scenario during lesbian intercourse, where the “top” grows an elongated penis from where her clitoris once once. The action of the clitoris being in that state is called “boochified”.
Man: “ Carol, what on earth is this?!”
Carol:”Oh, Herb, that’s a boochified potato peeler, you silly

Woman 1; “mmm do that thing with your clitoris where it’s boochified”
Woman 2: “you got it, *boochifies*”
by Perhaps? June 9, 2022
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