5 definitions by Pankakke

Yo yo when I ferm
The weather is a factor!
Pull down mah pants
and plow my tractor!
by Pankakke July 29, 2006
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I am teh ultimaet fgt!!!1
by Pankakke July 21, 2006
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1. Word used in the place of "penis". Usually, to be funny or sarcastic.
A: Hey, how was that new Final Destination movie?
by Pankakke July 28, 2006
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Acronym: I Always Wack Teh Penir
A: How often do you fap?
by Pankakke July 29, 2006
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1. An ancient American ritual where a party of 8 or more men ejaculate on a pancake. This is sometimes done if the pancake has commited a crime or disrespected the elders in any way, but mostly it's done for entertainment at bachelor parties.

2. The finished product of the act of pankakke.

See Bukkake
WTF!? This tastes like pankakke!
by Pankakke August 4, 2006
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