6 definitions by Nottooknown

The confusion that arises while receiving oral sex
I couldn't answer the phone, being all discombobupanddownonmyknobulated.
by Nottooknown November 19, 2020
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The confusion that arises while receiving oral sex.
I couldn't answer the phone, being all discombobupanddownonmyknobulated.
by Nottooknown November 19, 2020
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1. Committed to fellatio
2. Determined to engage in oral sex
She so crazy. She headdriven
by Nottooknown November 22, 2020
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1. Committed to felatio 2. Determined to engage in oral sex
She so crazy, she headdriven.
by Nottooknown November 19, 2020
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DEFINITION : a suggestion or typically request, usually the last in a series of other mundane suggestions or requests, unambiguously requesting oral sex, but in a way that allows for equivocation
Person 1: How about we meet at six, have an early dinner and some drinks, catch that flick you say you're in, and so-onandsuckforth.

PERSON 2: What? I'm not blowing you the day I meet you!

PERSON 1: WTF! Who said anything about oral sex?
by Nottooknown December 7, 2020
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1. A phrase (usually in the form of a request command), usually the last in a series of other listed mundame items, that conveys the hope of receiving oral sex
I thought that we could meet up around at six o' clock, have an early dinner, catch that movie that you wanted to see and so-onandsuckforth.
by Nottooknown November 19, 2020
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