132 definitions by Nikki Stixx

Phrase used by many prostitutes/sex workers as an encouraging and motivating cheer to their current at-the-moment clientele in the hopes that the customer will hurry up and come so that their sex act can be finished and brought to a close.
Rolling her eyes as she wished she could be somewhere else besides where she was, Betsy got a hold on her urge to laugh, and with the most serious and ecstatic voice she could produce told David, "Ohhh yes, baby. I am fixing to come so hard I'm going to come all over your cock". Grinning big and proud of herself for not laughing, Betsy could hear David begin his vocalization of him coming inside her. 'Next' thought Betsy as she accidentally farted while David was still inside her.
by Nikki Stixx August 3, 2020
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(Noun) A promiscuous person who has indiscriminate sexual relations with damn near everyone.
Nikki's girl was such the cum-dumpster, and yet the clueless, naive idiot revered her like a queen while most reamed her like the easy, sleazy ho she was.
by Nikki Stixx September 10, 2020
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Whenever prompted or suggestively requestedly, Nikki would slide his cock in Shannon’s booty-hole. No matter which orifice he was in, so long as it was Shannon’s he seemed to always be sated.
by Nikki Stixx January 21, 2021
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To strike a person in, on or upside the head deliberately and violently oftentimes with a blunt object.
Nick told Jerry, "Pay me what you owe me or I swear I'll brain you with this crowbar".
by Nikki Stixx December 10, 2018
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Phrase alluding to the fact that the speaker, or subject of the phrase is in either a desperate and/or unfortunate state of being or situation. It can either be leading up to or following a request for some form of assistance or help.
Steve asked Ray for a little credit by petitioning in his most sincere voice, ”Please, Ray, just gimme a $10 spot till tomorrow and I promise you I’ll have your money then. C’mon, I'm in a bad way. I ain't had shit today.”
by Nikki Stixx April 22, 2020
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(noun) Any and all rules and/or mannerisms practiced or adhered to by a ho universally known by the ho, and to many in the know, to be exclusive to the ho in all facets of the ho’s hoing.
One of her more unsavory practices of her own style of hoism was when Betsy would go from customer to customer without hosing herself out. There had been many times when she was called out on it by the the next unfortunate soul when the semen from someone else’s previous deposit slid down the unfortunate one’s penis during their transaction with her. Not missing a beat Betsy had convinced more than one dumbass that it was her own come sliding down on them, telling them it was her ‘squirting’ as she was coming all over their cock. In a roundabout way I suppose she was, nasty dirtybutt bitch she is.
by Nikki Stixx November 25, 2022
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(acronym) Abbreviation for radio used by police stating a subject/person is deceased, particularly in reference to drug overdoses.
In his standard chameleon-style voice Trooper Baker stated in his transmission “......one subject was found at the premises, subject was DRT so emergency medical attention is not required...”. ‘Shit’ he thought, I was looking to make an arrest too’. Looking over the corpse, and someone’s son he spat, “Why’d ya have to be dead for, you junk-o loser?”
by Nikki Stixx March 22, 2021
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