9 definitions by Nicholas Meyler

The Tau Cetian relative of Charcarodon Megalodon (the ancient Great White Shark, specimens of which up to 100 feet in length have been found as fossils on Earth). The distinctive feature of the Tau Cetian variety, notwithstanding its length, is its winglike appendages (similar to those of terrestrial "flying fish" classification "excocetidae"). The Tau Cetian Great Whites are known to be able to fly lengths up to 400 meters, and exceed altitudes of 13 meters.
The lagoons of Tau Ceti were placid until the Charcarodon pteryops giganticus broke the surface of the water.
by Nicholas Meyler September 15, 2003
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Generally, government agents in the area of counter-intelligence, who specialize in the identification and apprehension of double-agents.
Aldrich Ames was caught and captured due to the work of talented psychic amateur mole-hunters.
by Nicholas Meyler April 29, 2003
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Animals which are commonly not believed to exist, but actually may. Instances include the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, the Teratornis, and Pterodactyl, Mothmen, etc.
That girl was so uckaly that she was practically a cryptid.
by Nicholas Meyler September 23, 2003
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Meaning must be determined from context, since it can mean either ugly, or very attractive.
The old bitsch was just ukaly, but Britney Spears is definitely ukaly.
by Nicholas Meyler September 23, 2003
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Unnatural smiting; smiting which isn't
really deserved, but happens.
Jonah being swallowed by a whale was smotomy, but part of God's plan, anyway.
by Nicholas Meyler September 24, 2003
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The theory popularized by time-travel researcher Nicholas Meyler, that information from the Future, frequently about disasters, is often embedded or encrypted subtly (see "steganography") into artworks like music, or literature, as possible warnings, to avert damage.
The FBI could have used the encryptment thesis to deduce the September 11 attacks before they happened, but, instead, obstructed justice.
by Nicholas Meyler April 29, 2003
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A form of cryptography where the cryptogram is "hidden in plain view." Mozart's 14th Symphony in A Major (Kochel # 114) can be deciphered to contain information about the Philadelphia Experiment, and the Alternate History of "another Universe,"
which occurred due to the intervention of Time-travel.
The message was hidden steganographically in microfilm, disguised as a period in a sentence of a letter.
by Nicholas Meyler September 15, 2003
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