3 definitions by Namesareforchumps

The sensation you get when you see the person who you are gonna spend the rest of your life with. Then that person leaves you for another and leaves you with nothing and takes away all of your valuable possession leaving you with nothing but pain and misery for the rest of your life...
Chris: I've experience love many times,and there's only one thing i can say to you. don't get too attached, kid.
by Namesareforchumps September 17, 2017
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Its when you achieve the most extravagant orgasm in your entire life. When you achieve the GRUT NUT makes sure its African american, if not your endeavors are unsuccessful and you have loss the purpose of your entire existence.
Jasmine Grut nutted so hard when Gru appeared on the screen in Despicable me 3 by Pixar Studios
by Namesareforchumps February 12, 2018
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