6 definitions by Nacho Burris

The first fart or “sphincter stretch” of the morning. While you sleep, gas builds up in your lower intestine and must be expelled when you wake. The "butt yawn" usually takes place during the morning urination or when you first roll out of bed. This fart typically does not smell badly, however it can be very boisterous. Caution should be taken if others are sleeping nearby.
My wife was not happy at all when I woke her up with an extremely loud "butt yawn" this morning.
by Nacho Burris November 17, 2016
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The time off between your last day of work and your first day of retirement, typically spent drinking, golfing, fishing, or drinking. Usually occurs when you’re not quite ready to retire, but you can’t stand your fucking job for another second.
I saw Fred at the golf course again yesterday. Did he retire or is he just on his “Old Man Gap Year”?
by Nacho Burris November 4, 2022
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Term used to describe the point when your parents become so feeble and incapable they transform into an older version of your kids.
My Karents are driving me crazy! These people that somehow raised me now can’t seem to do anything for themselves.
by Nacho Burris October 30, 2022
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A plogged toilet mostly consist of crap and very little paper. Usually occurs when a massive poop is sufficient enough to cause a clog without the support of any toilet paper.
Dude, I took such a massive shit it "plogged" the toilet.
by Nacho Burris November 14, 2014
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That sticky poop that seals itself to the back of the toilet and no matter how many times you flush it... it won’t go away. It is the Flex Seal of feces.
“Dude, I just took this nasty “Flex Shit” that just won’t go away. I swear it could be used to seal Phil Swift’s glass boat.”
by Nacho Burris February 9, 2020
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A crunchy, stalagmite like booger that sticks to the roof of your nose and hurts when you press your nostril.
I was on a date last night, and halfway through dinner, I realized I had a boogermite. It was driving me crazy, so as soon as she went to the bathroom... I excavated it.
by Nacho Burris February 9, 2020
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