29 definitions by Murph

1. browsing shops without intending to buy anything that time.

2. actually shopping for new windows

3. watching the prostitutes in the red light district
1. "did you buy anything while you were out?"
"no, i was just window shopping"

2. "That little wanker just booted the ball through the window, i'll have to go window shopping now"

3. "Jimmy's gonna window shopping, i think he's after a blow job"

by Murph August 9, 2006
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The act of connecting a hollow cylinder between two individuals' anuses, whereupon one of the two parties defecates. The resultant excrement is then slid variously between and into the anuses of both parties through alterations in the elevation of the tube.
"Bob and I went out chuting last weekend--never have I felt so alive!"
by Murph February 19, 2004
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n. One who causes a problem

Origin: Barney -> Barney Rubble -> Rubble -> Trouble... you get the picture
We've been at the bar for 10 minutes and we've already run into a barney.
by Murph February 23, 2005
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n. Perineum. The region between one's anus and one's genitals.
"If you lick her fot
she'll love you lots."

by Murph February 20, 2004
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"Ol' Bobby made a silk purse outta me sow's ear!"
by Murph February 19, 2004
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Fire Crotch, One who has Red pubic hair and red hair atop their head.
What is up my* fellow FC? *Narator having Red Hair
by Murph January 6, 2004
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