3 definitions by MongledMonkey


A cellular phone (cell phone) firmly affixed to one ear (especially when driving)
The car accident was caused by a woman with a California earing.
by MongledMonkey July 2, 2003
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v. mongled, mongling, mongles

1. To strike about the head and shoulders; bludgeon.
2. To subject to repeated beatings or physical abuse; batter.
3. To drink alcohol so as to become stupified as if beaten.

synonyms: to beat, to bludgeon, to batter, to assault, to become inebriated
Let's all head over the bar to get mongled.

Rodney King got mongled on the side of the road.
by MongledMonkey May 9, 2003
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1. A stupid person; a dolt.
2. A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years.
3. Marked by a lack of intelligence.

synonyms: idiot, imbecile, cretin, dumbass, asshat, retard
Stop hitting yourself in the head, you clownshoe.

The world is full of clownshoes.
by MongledMonkey May 9, 2003
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