3 definitions by Mijbil TheOtter

tE² (pronounced: "T-E-Two") is the abbreviation for a number that equals, 1 Billion^1 Billion^1 Billion^1 Billion^1 Billion(One Billion to the power of 1 billion 5 time over). tE² can be written as T with 1 Billion^1 Billion^1 Billion^1 Billion^1 Billion-1 E's following it. This number is the only known exception to the common English game where one must name a number and turn it into 4 using only the number of letters in a number.
P1: Give me any number and I will turn it into a 4
P2: Okay, tE²
P1: Thats not fair(proceeded by jumping off a bridge)

P1: Give me a big number
P2: tE²
by Mijbil TheOtter June 7, 2017
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A term usually used to describe someone who is strong minded, or won't back down
Person 1: Wow, he still hasn't backed down
Person 2: Yeah, he must have a serious pair of pure cocaine balls
by Mijbil TheOtter October 9, 2017
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A medical condition in which the subject gets a physical high of of there balls. Their balls act like a stimulant, similar to cocaine, giving the condition is name. The condition was first observed in Amazon tribes in the 1970's by Gavin Maxwell, a British writer.
by Mijbil TheOtter October 9, 2017
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