5 definitions by Lolcat

Code for calling someone a prick. Peter Rick = Mr P. Rick
He's being such a Peter Rick today
by Lolcat June 13, 2012
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in the act of being, looking, dressing, or sound like yoshi.

AKA the nintendo little green dinosuar
:::dude in yoshi coustume:::
person 1: d00d l00k at that yoshi costume is so yoshicore!
person 2: yeah but l00k at the guy's dog is has a yoshi costume and is waddling around like yoshi
person 1: oh now THATS nintendocore
person 2: hell yeah
by Lolcat August 19, 2007
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"It means KIRBY DANCE"
by Lolcat March 5, 2012
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A mocking reference to the Seattle Seahawks, the team in the NFL with the most suspensions for performance-enhancing drugs in recent years. Also the team name of a very dominant, legendary Seattle area Fantasy Football player.
Q: “Who’s going to win the Super Bowl this year?”
A: “Seadderall, no doubt.”
by Lolcat November 11, 2013
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Typically hardcore music with lots of keyboards and new sounds.
mostly electronica music sounds futuristic
whats NOT nintendocore - acting/looking like the nintendo characters, being a nintendo game addict

NOT nintendocore -
person 1: Zomg guys i g0t teh WII and s00per paper mario that game is teh SEXX
person 2: d00d yoo are s0 nintendocore
person 1: i kn0w its s00per radd
by Lolcat August 17, 2007
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