42 definitions by Lizard boots and Lipshitz

Smoking certain types of marijuana that enable acute focus on the task.
I have a whole lot of paperwork to do, so let me get smocused here.
by Lizard boots and Lipshitz August 13, 2019
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My friends and I are a quintity to be reckoned with.
by Lizard boots and Lipshitz July 25, 2019
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The girlie bits, as defined by your mother in law.
Mom's face still gets red when we talk about how she named her girlie bits, and why 'zorch' was her choice.
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n., pl. (1) a group of sexually intimate people who practice anal sex only within the group. (2)a harem of people who practice anal sex.
His fecal colony has grown exponentially since he put an ad in the personals for new members.
by Lizard boots and Lipshitz December 16, 2016
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When you are wiping your ass and you get shit on the side of your thumb.
That dude came out of the bathroom stall and he had a Shumb and didn't even know it!
by Lizard boots and Lipshitz December 10, 2016
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