4 definitions by Lander,themultipersonalityman

Someone who makes you frustrated or angry at times when you are playing a video game (mainly shooter games)
Me: *gets killed in a game* YOU BERKINKERDINK
friend: wtf is a “Berkinkerdink”??
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The phrase said by famous video ga,e character Waluigi as a symbol of happiness or stress.
by Lander,themultipersonalityman February 19, 2022
Someone who is willing to fight even the toughest of people for you, even if he knows the risks.
Person 1: did you see my boyfriend standing up to the toughest guy in school??
Person 2: yeah. He really pulled a Beast Lander.
by Lander,themultipersonalityman February 19, 2022
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Someone that is created in drawings and isn't real and is made by the person who wrote this. Lander is a mischievous man, often partaking in a small amount of trolling and maybe getting into intense fights. He wears a mask to hide some scars, and the mask makes him look angry all the time. He is also a speed runner and loves horror games.
Person: "so, who is he and what does he like to do??"
Me: "it's lander and he is very mischievous and loves games"
Person: "wish I knew someone like that"
by Lander,themultipersonalityman February 19, 2022
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