10 definitions by KnowPsyUniverse

(n.)- One who's infected with the Covid-19 or coronavirus.
Tim: "Jill tested positive for Covid-19 yesterday."

Jennifer: "Were you around her recently? You better get tested, lest you end up a covidian like her."
by KnowPsyUniverse April 4, 2020
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An insult or a barrage of insults or rebukes sword-like in its propensity to hurt.

It is a portmanteau of the word ensiform (sword-like) and fusillade (a barrage of shooting weapons).

(pronounced in-SI-fa-LAAD)
Her raging ensifillade over his performance in bed made him droop in dismay.
by KnowPsyUniverse June 22, 2018
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(n.)- a bikini made of masks
Ellen: I'm gonna go to the beach.

Peter: In the midst of this pandemic? I hope you'll wear a mask.

Ellen: I'll do even better, I'll wear a maskini!
by KnowPsyUniverse June 4, 2020
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(n.): a person, especially a loved one, whom you like to fondle with or caress.
Janine: Our two month old baby my husband's latest fondlet after our dog!

Linda: Your baby's a result of you being his.
by KnowPsyUniverse August 9, 2020
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(n.)- A person from a nation where the Coronavirus (Covid-19) has infected more than 10,000 people.
Tim: "Those visiting Chinese professors were stopped at the airport yesterday."

Jill: "I hope they quarantined those Coronationals immediately!"
by KnowPsyUniverse April 3, 2020
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A special type of asshole who mingles with and spreads the Coronavirus among people even though he or she knows that he or she is a carrier of the virus.

It is a portmanteau of corona and asshole
Harry: "Jim went to that party even after testing positive for Coronavirus!"

Ellen: "What a coronasshole!"
by KnowPsyUniverse March 24, 2020
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(n.)- Quiet, silent or subtle exploitation by an entity such as a organization, company or even country that otherwise espouses liberal values publicly.

It's a portmanteau word (combination) of exploitation and quiet.
Jim: "Jenna wasn't paid overtime for three months. She was given free coffee for it."

Alice: "What exquietation!The free coffee doesn't add up to her due overtime."
by KnowPsyUniverse April 6, 2020
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