6 definitions by Jooboy

I must go to the toilet before my pants are covered in my own bum chocolate.


Let me sniff your bum chocolate you slag
by Jooboy February 16, 2004
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A North Lynn word meaning 'cor blimey, they saw you coming'
"I like your trainers, how much did you pay for them?"
by Jooboy July 7, 2003
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"I got my oats with that Jenny last night and shot all over her face!"
by Jooboy November 13, 2003
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"I owe you that tenner, can I pay you five now and five tomorrow?"
"Furry Muff"
by Jooboy July 2, 2003
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A pubic hair situated about a human body but not around the pubic area.
by Jooboy July 2, 2003
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