6 definitions by Jkimmy98

A skill set for guys have that enables them to aim their piss when they pee. Different situations call for different mechanics.
When everyone is sleeping and I have to pee, I use my peeing mechanics to hit the sides of the toilet. This way no one can hear me pee.
by Jkimmy98 February 27, 2014
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When one person copies another person's homework, but that person copied from another person. This is very common in a high school environment.
Joe:"Hey Bobby, can I copy your physics homework?"

Bobby:"Sure thing, Joe."

Joe:"Where did you get all of these answers, Bobby?"

Bobby:"Oh, Bill gave them to me."

Joe:"So this is chain cheating..."
by Jkimmy98 February 27, 2014
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When you're on Facebook and someone chats you, but you don't want to talk to them. Except, you can't ignore them anymore because Facebook decided to tell the other person when you saw the message!
by Jkimmy98 March 4, 2014
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Leaguing is derived from the word League. League is derived from the popular game League of Legends. One can say the act of playing League by simply saying they are "Leaguing"
Person 1 : Yo bro, what are you up to?
Person 2: Nothing much, just Leaguing
by Jkimmy98 February 17, 2014
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The act of using chopsticks to eat from a bag of chips while using the computer.
Ever been in a situation when you wanted to eat a bag of chips and use your computer at the same time, but couldn't because you didn't want your keyboard to get all greasy and oily? If you can use chopsticks, use them to pick up the chips and never have to worry about messing up your keyboard.

Satisfied user: "Chopsticks chipping saved my life."
by Jkimmy98 March 8, 2014
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The act of playing the popular game "Flappy Bird" while pooping.
Person 1: "Yo John! Why are you taking so long in the bathroom!"
Person 2: Sorry bro, I was flappypooping.
by Jkimmy98 February 24, 2014
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