111 definitions by Jack Spank9049

Stands for group chat - AKA the one thing I will most certainly never be apart of!
Person 1: Yo you in the gc?

Me: Uhm, no.
by Jack Spank9049 February 16, 2023
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What my manager calls the church a few minutes up the road from my house
My manager when he drops me home: "I am going to take you to Jesus!"
by Jack Spank9049 January 8, 2023
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The place I can travel too and back in the time it takes for the Urban Dick moderators to approve my definitions!
Spack No.2: I can travel to Mars and back in the time it takes for the moderators of Urban Dick to approve my submissions!
by Jack Spank9049 June 14, 2022
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There are teenagers like me who work jobs, want to learn how to drive etc. and you have the small minority of teens boasting about being "sigma males" *sigh*
by Jack Spank9049 January 15, 2023
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The act of inmature children and teenagers taking pictures of other people (mainly their mates) without their prior knowledge.
Jack, can you please stop taking mugshots of me please?
by Jack Spank9049 February 11, 2022
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The nicest city (or town) in the UK. Consisting of its bustling atmosphere around the beach, city centre and the eye-catching view of the beach-front Ferris Wheel providing the human eye with a striking view of what part of the city looks like from a bird's eye view. You also have the unique palm-trees to make you feel like you are playing Vice City all over again, the rays of yellow from the 'Yellow Taxis' constantly travelling back & forth to commute the drunk back to their place of residence, and a night-life like you are playing Cyberpunk all over again!
Spack No.1: I might move from Bournemouth to somewhere up north

Spack No.2: *Commits murder*
by Jack Spank9049 December 12, 2022
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People who should be shot!
My old manager: 'All vegans should be shot'
by Jack Spank9049 February 20, 2023
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