7 definitions by Inquisitor



1. A refugee from a failed Blue state that seeks economic, climatic and political asylum in a thriving Red state on a seasonal basis. Texas and Florida are where most Snowbirds go during their annual migration.

* The term "Winter Texan" is preferred by Snowbirds but it's far too dignified.
"It appears that most snowbirds are rude ingrates."

"Did you see that Snowbird mesmerized by the asparagus at HEB?
by Inquisitor January 28, 2023
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A disease, whereby the infected patient has an abnormal attraction to members of the caucausian race.

White equivalent of yellow fever, jungle fever, etc.
Dude, Amanda Lee has such bad white nile virus.
I know, she can't keep off all the white guys.
by Inquisitor October 11, 2006
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Horny in a very primitive and intense manner.
Meso minky, I fuckey you long time.
by Inquisitor January 1, 2022
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A person who has mental deficits caused by multi generational inbreeding of a small geographically and cultural isolated population.
Some Mink Eye can play the banjo very well.
by Inquisitor October 25, 2020
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The feeling you get when you are deep in a conversation, usually gossip related, and someone stops short of revealing a secret they've been building up to for at least five minutes.

So called, because the process is somewhat similar to the way in which one is forced to endure blue balls. While with blue balls, a girl won't finish you off sexually, in blue brains the victim has yet to have their curiosity "finished off." While blue balls is more painful, blue brains is often endured for longer periods of time and cannot be remidied on one's own.
Guy 1: Yo, you know what I heard about Lisa?
Guy 2: No, tell me.
Guy 1: Well, I really shouldn't say...
Guy 2: Come on you have to tell me!
Guy 1: I can't, I promised I wouldn't say anything.
Guy 2: Dude we've been talking about this for ages. Total blue brains.
by Inquisitor December 6, 2006
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A woman who has a thick mound of pubic hair that fills or puffs out her panties or bikini.
by Inquisitor April 5, 2021
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