5 definitions by Idon'tmakerealposts

So guys, we did it, we hit a quarter of a million Thanos Cars.
pyrocynical would be used if you were referring to furries, or even cat in the hat.
by Idon'tmakerealposts October 13, 2018
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A very money hungry corporation that would even go so far as to make a huge IP an exclusive for their console.
Sony: Gimme money. Sony Fan: Np, my credit card number is 1111-2222-3333-1234. Everyone Else: Fuck off, im just gonna pirate it.
by Idon'tmakerealposts October 13, 2018
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Someone, somehow worse, then George W. Bush

A silly goose!
Timothy: wow, did you see The President? He is such a retard! Timothot: No, he is the definition of a retard.
by Idon'tmakerealposts October 13, 2018
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1: A god that has been murdered.

2: Pyrozella is a legend that used to go by the name of Pyrocynical but he has for taken PewDiePies content and can no longer be a supple alternative.

3: A youtube legend that has gotten their name changed and can no longer be found
Why do we even live? What is the point of life, for Pyrozella is dead!
by Idon'tmakerealposts October 13, 2018
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The President known as Donald J. Duck invading privacy!


Something very frightening that scared a lot of U.S. citizens

A nationwide pandemic (across the united states)
Damn, the President is truly talented at scaring a lot of people, now all he has to do is send out a Presidential Alert!
by Idon'tmakerealposts October 13, 2018
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