13 definitions by Human

Italian songwriter, singer, pluri-instrumentalist. Nomad of the east, spends much time in the Himalayas and traveling around with a backpack and a video camera. Makes Videotrips which he shares on his website
you can have a gimpse of his world through www.yari.tv
by Human January 7, 2005
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Where people think there are little green men.
Moron: "Hey look! I can see CITIES!"
Scientist: "...those are mountains."
by Human July 29, 2003
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A religon that attention-seeking highschoolers worship as an effort to mask the fact that they are worthless nobodys that will never have a life.
by Human September 7, 2003
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Holy shit, that comet just damn near obliterated Jupiter!
by Human July 29, 2003
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