6 definitions by HugeHefner

A Puber is someone who tags Puber on every single building in Vienna
A: Hey you know Puber?

B: fuck yes
by HugeHefner March 21, 2017
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A Type of political people who demonstrate against pharmaindustry.
A: hi im meeting my homes now! Wanna come over later?
B: no im fighting against Pharmaindustry !
A: fuckin antipharma get a Life
by HugeHefner March 21, 2017
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The Definition of an animal I would like to see in a snuff video
Wow this cute little cat is very snuffy
by HugeHefner March 21, 2017
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Everybody who turns homosexual after a very intense acid-trip
A: man you trippin'
B: Yes i found out im Gay!
A: Shit your Name is AcidLuki right?
B: Fuck yes
by HugeHefner March 21, 2017
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Its a sk8 Trick wich is based on doing an Olli while drinking a Molly
A: Lets Play gameofs8, im starting with a molli
B: wtf is a molli
A:Its a sk8 Trick wich is based on doing an Olli while drinking a Molly
by HugeHefner March 21, 2017
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Its a sk8 Trick wich is based on doing an Olli while drinking a Molly
A: Lets Play gameofs8, im starting with a molli
B: wtf is a molli
A:Its a sk8 Trick wich is based on doing an Olli while drinking a Molly
by HugeHefner March 21, 2017
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