28 definitions by Herbie Dongsporran

The fine particles of crap flakes which ploom when one claws the tangled vines of their ring beard.
'As poor Oscar recklessly gouged his parched shit pipe raw, the entire kitchen was disguised in dung druff.'
by Herbie Dongsporran October 1, 2021
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The inaugral shedding of coose claret after a degenerate nonce has entered his victim for the first time.
When the police searched his bedroom, they found remnants of semen and grooming jam on his bespattered y-fronts and all 4 walls of the room.
by Herbie Dongsporran July 27, 2021
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Burly chicks.

The suety drapes shrouding the fetid seafood platter of a gargantuan and stout female.
I spent a fruitless bank holiday creaming my wives clump sporran with factor 50 sun block. To no avail.
by Herbie Dongsporran January 1, 2021
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A scourge of genetic organismns which thrive on it's host.

Microscopic yet with an ungodly odour, they are found exclusively on the oily hide of a subcontinental being. Simply neutralised with any common soap.
A battalion of British rifleman have turned their weapons on themselves in the face of a murderous pong fog of Pakteria.
by Herbie Dongsporran July 25, 2021
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The shit stabbing theatrical companion who often associates with rancid, loud and graceless tarts.
‘As promised, Mrs Lawreson’s favourite faggotrix Crispin accompanied her to the salon to get her corpulent gammon hangers waxed before they hit the town for cocktails.’

‘A mid seizure Crispin gagged and minced as the suicidal squad of therapist gathered the stifling quantity of detritus from her freshly scythed twathole. But as a loyal faggotrix, said nothing regarding her dripping mess of a yawning stubbly clump, which no man nor beast would dare present his bell towards.’
by Herbie Dongsporran January 16, 2022
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Aka Chimples

The mottled, pustulant facial boon boils most commonly contracted from dismal nutritional intake, chiefly fried chicken, jerk goat and kool aid.
‘The complexion of the triplets DeMarcus, Keithroy and Marquavias drew loud gasps from the staff at the drive thru window,
where they were seen plucking and picking each other’s disfiguring,
rancid masks of blackne with their feet whilst consuming fistfuls of chicken wings.’

‘The staff instantly recognised the notorious triplets from their police descriptions which resembled two ping pong balls in a bowl of rasisins or two boiled eggs floating in a dish of prunes.’
by Herbie Dongsporran January 24, 2022
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Zone of arousal.

Believed to be located way up the batty pipe of all practitioners of the appaling pastime of shit-stabbing poovery.
‘After receiving his Olympic gold medal. Daley Tom’s choc-clit also received a tickle from his husband’s shit streaked prick. ‘Before being fisted beyond function’
by Herbie Dongsporran October 14, 2021
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