70 definitions by Heptune

A glob of pasty fecal matter that is too soft to hold a distinctive turd shape, and too solid to make a puddle.
My cat was leaving yellow wobs outside of his litterbox, so I took him to the vet.
by Heptune June 13, 2006
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(n) nasal mucus that adheres into a long, coherent string that can be extracted from the nasal cavity by gently pulling on the emergent end
I had amazing rope snot with that last cold; I was able to pull out a cable of mucus 5 inches long.
by Heptune June 13, 2006
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An ice cream man, a man who sells ice cream from a truck. So named because of the bell that is used to summon customers to the truck.
Mom, I hear the dingleman. Can I have some money for a popsicle?
by Heptune February 3, 2006
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Static electricity that comes about from the petting of cats.
Don't touch the cat... his fur is loaded with cat lightning.
by Heptune February 3, 2006
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(n) a sow bug, a harmless terrestrial isopod commonly found under rocks and in soil. Also called a roly poly. So called because the critter rolls up into a tight little pill when you poke it.
I waited for a long time, and finally the pill bug unrolled and crawled away.
by Heptune May 16, 2005
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There were so many nippers around the lake that I had to wear mosquito netting.
by Heptune May 16, 2005
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(n)A feral dog. Guam slang.
A pack of booney dogs attacked the cyclists.
by Heptune May 11, 2005
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