70 definitions by Heptune

(n) Dog turd deposited in the grass.
Watch out where you step! This yard is filled with lawn sausages.
by Heptune May 11, 2005
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When I saw that rock comin' at me, I was shitbaked, my son!
by Heptune May 11, 2005
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A prefix added to a person's name to indicate that he or she is not acting typically. Has the same origin as pod person.
That must have been pod-Justin you met; usually he's a complete asshole.
by Heptune May 11, 2005
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1) (n) In the parlance of 1930s blues, the female pudenda.
2) (n) Female sexuality, female attractiveness
3) (n) Sexuality in general.

1) She shook her jellyroll at the deacon.
2) Her jellyroll is good, but it ain't as good as mine.
3) I ain't gonna give you none of my jellyroll.
by Heptune June 13, 2006
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(n) (pronounced MUSS kuh lump) A body builder.
The musclelump's muscles were so overdeveloped he looked deformed.
by Heptune May 11, 2005
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(n) A botfly larva. The parent fly lays its eggs in a person or animal, and the larva grows into a huge maggot that migrates to the neck and chews its way out when it is ready to pupate. Also spelled warble, wormil.
The rabbit was dead, but we could see that its neck was moving as if it had an alien under its skin, and the next thing we knew, a giant worble the size of a shotgun shell crawled out of it. And we figured that rabbit was better off dead.
by Heptune May 16, 2005
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(n)A fat-bodied, short-legged mouselike rodent, a vole.
My cat left a dead schnitzelmouse on our porch.
by Heptune May 11, 2005
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