6 definitions by Helloooooooooooo1234567890637

Charter bus: a wonderful air conditioned luxurious bus almost like an airplane so awesome you never want to get off if I had it my way I would ride the bus all day
We are taking the charter bus
Really that is the best thing ever
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Pita does NOT mean pain in the ass. Pita is an adorable puppy and he loves everybody and everybody loves him!!!! So pita does NOT NOT NOT mean pain in the ass
“Pita is adorable

“Yea opposite of pain in the ass
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Pita does NOT mean pain in the ass. Pita is an adorable puppy and he loves everybody and everybody loves him!!!! So pita does NOT NOT NOT mean pain in the ass
“Pita is adorable

“Yea opposite of pain in the ass
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Lucy is a wonderful person she is always nice and is the best person in the world she is good at everything and no one is as good as her
"Lucy is just soo cool i wish I was her"
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If you call someone a Nico it means you are complementing them on their toenails
Look at that Nico”
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