8 definitions by Grass Man

Noun: The state or situation of being a slave. Especially when talked about when you're at your wits end or in correlation with the oppressive and dominating control pushed upon you electronically by others that should be in conjunction with you to promote you and not tear you down by making you there slave. It's stronger and operated by control freaks therefore removing any thought of those that may push the word servitude first which only speaks half of what slavatude projects.
There is a way, there is always a way around the tyranny of electronic slavatude
by Grass Man July 31, 2012
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When rectum has been impaled and folded inside out and splooging out of ur buthole
Dude I just fucked my boyfriend so hard I gave him a wet rectum
by Grass Man September 18, 2017
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when an orangutan climbs on the celing and shits on people heads and gracefully sides down there vertebrates
guy 1 ewww that orangutan just shit on me from the fucking celing what A SICK FUCK

guy 2 aww how cute u have shit on you
guy 3 eww yall gross as fuck you just got orangutan poot
by Grass Man September 18, 2017
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1) A very over active, hyper person.

2) A person whom, speaks utter nonsense repeatedly.
John, you act like such a quackleduck on sunday mornings.
by Grass Man July 11, 2008
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When u slap a bitch so hard with ur pee pee that she gets goes retarded
I herd Jenny got the mushroom slap of death now she’s in in special ed class
by Grass Man December 11, 2019
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When u so fat ur Tittys flapping like dumbos ears
U seen him yeah he's a lardass he's got titty flappers
by Grass Man September 18, 2017
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When a black man is buried in a vampires lair and getting mushroom slapped buy the vamp
Dude I herd Larry the nigger got black coffined by that vamp
by Grass Man September 18, 2017
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