17 definitions by Gorillafaceoff

The level of how pissed/peaved a subject is
My pisstocity level went through the roof when Michael didn't show up for sparring class on Thursday.
by Gorillafaceoff November 17, 2010
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The act of having a fainted Pokemon use the move, Surf, outside of battle to ride across bodies of water, even though it is not able to be used in battle.
Guy #1: SHIT!!! How am I going to get across the Whirl Islands now?
Guy #2: Dude, just use Surf
Guy #1: I can't Poliwag fainted.
Guy #2: You could always Corpse Surf.
Guy #1: Oh Yeahhhh
by Gorillafaceoff October 2, 2011
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adj. - being nutty to extreme proportions. Acting silly or crazy, but in a fun way.

Derived from coconut, a large fruit
and nutty, meaning a little psycho.
Example #1:
Look at Jeryl over there spitting milk out of her nose, man she is coconutty!
by Gorillafaceoff October 6, 2011
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n - Kata that is performed in a slow and sluggish manner, having your arms swing around in "undead motions" like a zombie.
Girl: What the hell is wrong with you? Why is your kata so sloppy and weak?
Guy: Because its my zombie-kata.
by Gorillafaceoff April 22, 2011
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a.k.a. P.D.G.D.

a medical condition were all someone thinks and talks about is an individual game after they have beaten said game. Said victim also begins to experience analogies between real-life and said game resulting in "playing" out loud, in front of everybody. This disease casues the player to want to get back to playing the game, and temporarily makes him/her feel like they are still playing. This can also spread to the subject's dreams. Similiar to Post-Dramatic Stress Disorder.
Guy #1: Man I'm such a Giovanni!
Guy #2: A what?
Guy #1: A boss, man you know Giovanni? From Pokemon?
Guy #2: suree I guess, I just don't talk about it that much.

Guy #2: What are you doing now? Why are you punching those puppies in the face!?
Guy #1: I'm EV training duhhh.

Doctor: I'm sorry but you have an extreme case of Pokemon-related, Post-Dramatic Gaming Disorder.
by Gorillafaceoff May 25, 2011
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n. - bruises you recieve from martial arts, mainly Shido-Kan Karate, after training very hard for an extensive amount of time.
Guy #1: Dude! Nice bruise.
Guy #2: Oh. this? This is just my Okinawan Sunburn from last night's karate class.
by Gorillafaceoff October 2, 2011
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Two people, a couple, who like each other, and enjoy each other's company, but are not dating, or in any relationship beyond, friendship.
Maria has a crush on Andre, Andre has a crush on Maria, but Maria and Andre aren't dating. They are just a hypothetical couple.
by Gorillafaceoff November 9, 2011
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