3 definitions by GodlessTrucker

A handjob, self inflicted or from a friend, in which the handjob is applied using sandpaper, while the recipient sings “Louie, Louie”, attempting to coincide the orgasm with the end of the second chorus
Netflix and chill was a bust, so I got a Dirty Manny instead.
by GodlessTrucker December 8, 2018
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A perfectly groomed but woefully incompetent person, hired for looks and skills irrelevant to the job.
MSN, that new payroll manager is a real Lecce. Knows nothing about the job!!!”
by GodlessTrucker November 4, 2022
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The feeling one gets just before an employer or other person of authority does something heinously stupid.
I felt a Lecce when I was told I had to volunteer at least 4 hours of overtime weekly.
by GodlessTrucker November 4, 2022
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