216 definitions by George

A person convicited of the most serious category of a crime.
Having ben convicted of Grand Theft, he is now a felon
by George March 9, 2005
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One who resides in the beta/gamma commons at the University of South Alabama.
John: "Man, beta rats are f**king tools"
by George February 16, 2005
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A person that performs menial task's for some sort of remuneration
Would you please clean out the toilets or please see this baggage gets to the station before the train departs.
by George November 5, 2003
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To screw up badly in a Tomb Raider game resulting in not being able to see the luscious legs.
I was doing well, then did an Indiana.
by George July 3, 2003
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word meaning confused- or used at the end of a sentece to show it is a question. coming from the origins of the northern canada.
Are you really that dumb Eh!?
by George March 7, 2005
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A place where your father/cousin/brother/uncle uses his credit card to access pornographic films and images.
"Where did you get that anal video?" "Off of a website"
by George July 22, 2003
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a child spawned from two gimps
yo dude look at that gimplet that was spawned from two gimps
by George October 17, 2004
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