12 definitions by Garfielddidntkillhimself

A monstrous kaiju made from a cat who injected himself with shin godzillas blood

He has first been spotted in tokyo in 2016 cutting buildings with his beam and destroying lasagna factories.

Then he was spotted again the next year in 2017 he swam all the way to Indiana and tried to kill a man named jon arbuckle but was unable to because the head of the JSDF (Nermal) had the beast frozen
by Garfielddidntkillhimself December 21, 2022
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1. Kilo a bad misspelling for kill

2. A large object that explodes in somebodies asshole
1. Im going to kilo you!

2. I put a kilo up my dogs ass
by Garfielddidntkillhimself April 10, 2022
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A 25 year old male from japan who can turn into gatorade man to protect humanity from kaiju and extraterrestrial threats
by Garfielddidntkillhimself December 21, 2022
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1. Were you piss in a toilet and don’t flush it for a few days and the whole god damn bathroom gets stunk up
You: Holy shit it smells like a Godzilla Piss Smell

Yo homie: What do you expect its the boys bathroom
by Garfielddidntkillhimself May 31, 2022
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1. Adolf hitlers fursona

2. A convention adolf hitler created himself.
My son adolf field failed art school he came home crying
by Garfielddidntkillhimself April 3, 2022
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People who believe that adolf hitler is a furry and has a garfield fursona
Im a garnazi and want to have sex with garfingled”
by Garfielddidntkillhimself April 3, 2022
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