49 definitions by Four Loko Frat Guy

Someone who drives a Volvo (a car brand that has always marketed themselves with safety). They are usually bad drivers and create a hazard for other drivers. Typical behaviors include driving well below the speed limit, failing to park properly, and more.

Volvo cars are poorly built, and ironically, can be very dangerous despite their safety focused marketing. Issues like brake and suspension failures often lead to crashes.
The guardrail was damaged after a Volvo driver hit it.
by Four Loko Frat Guy October 28, 2023
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The strongest alcoholic beverage you can buy without ID. It's 83% alcohol and cheap - $4 for 2 oz or $12 for 16 oz. You can take shots of it if you don't mind the burn of lemon oil, or you can filter the lemon oil out of it and make a vodka substitute. McCormick brand is best for drinking.
Person 1: I want to get drunk but I'm underage.
Person 2: Let's get some lemon extract from the grocery store.
Person 1: Hell yeah! Time to get wasted!
by Four Loko Frat Guy November 3, 2021
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A company that makes electric cars with innovative features like large panel gaps, “self driving” that doesn’t work, problematic batteries, and other goodies.

Not only are these cars expensive to purchase, but a Trashla will also require expensive repairs and charging is difficult to find and expensive.
My Trashla has 150 miles of battery range when they advertised 300 miles. This car is shit, I’m trading it in for a BMW.
by Four Loko Frat Guy September 28, 2023
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The act of spending 3 hours to turn $25 worth of ingredients into a $10 meal.
Tim: What did you have for lunch?
Joe: I made a homemade burger and it sucked! I spent all morning and the ingredients cost more than just buying one.
Tim: Yeah, home cooking sucks.
by Four Loko Frat Guy December 31, 2022
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A device used for circumventing the unreasonably high legal drinking age of 21 in the United States. It is a counterfeit ID card that is used as proof of age.
I used my fakie to buy a Four Loko from the corner store.
by Four Loko Frat Guy November 14, 2022
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A boring, isolating, depressing, and lonesome place to live. Most suburbs consist of nothing more than single-family homes and a shopping center. If you're between the ages of 18 and 38, you will be bored and lonely out of your mind living in a suburb. "Activities" enjoyed by most residents include shopping at Costco, drinking alone, yelling at people for driving 1 MPH over the speed limit, and mowing the lawn. A great place to live if you want a boring, solitary existence.
I couldn't find a designated driver since there is nobody my age in this suburb, so I paid $30 for an Uber to a nightclub in the city.
by Four Loko Frat Guy November 8, 2022
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A Swedish drink similar to vodka or brandy. Many brands like the popular OP Anderson are flavored with herbs and spices, creating the perfect drink to pair with food.
OP Anderson brannvin pairs well with Swedish meatballs.
by Four Loko Frat Guy November 4, 2022
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