31 definitions by FlabbyPancakeSause

The last day there was measurable snow in New York City and don’t forget it
The last day there was measurable snow in New York City and don’t forget it
The last day there was measurable snow in New York City and don’t forget it
The last day there was measurable snow in New York City and don’t forget it
Weatherman: Did you know that we haven’t had much snow since march 9 2022?
Bob: yeah you told me 600 times
by FlabbyPancakeSause January 26, 2023
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A super heros playground, just about every hour another major crime happens in this city.

There's a TV show that's supposed to follow cops all around the country with live cameras and most of the time it's paterson
Oh you live in Paterson, how many times have you been arrested?
by FlabbyPancakeSause January 23, 2023
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The central island within a suburban roundabout serves as a small oasis. While it's a place where local residents might take their dogs for a walk, there is unfortunately an issue with some dog owners neglecting to clean up after their pets. This might occur because the central island isn't directly adjacent to houses, leading some owners to overlook their responsibility to pick up after their dogs.
I went to dog poop island and man did it smell bad
by FlabbyPancakeSause August 12, 2023
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Small town in the woods off of route 23 in New jersey, the place is filled with bears who will eat out of any dumpster, and old hillbillies who are married to their sister who is also their cousin, mother, and aunt at the same time somehow

It's basically Alabama
by FlabbyPancakeSause March 29, 2023
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One of the Most annoying medical conditions, you'll be in the bathroom a majority of the day and you can't cure it. But you can make it better with medicine and by not eating at all (because nearly all foods will trigger it)
I have crohns and I'm literally on the toilet writing this definition as we speak
by FlabbyPancakeSause March 29, 2023
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