8 definitions by Ferg

The real name for what the simplistic Americans call a "side walk". I can only assume that this name was picked as several Americans died through not knowing where to walk so they walked in the road, hence the turning of the name of a pavement into a set of instructions.
by Ferg June 30, 2003
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The original designers of Windows. They were using thier own GUI when developing and Bill Gates bought it from them on the cheap and proceeded to market it as his own making a fortune. So a good definition would be Unlucky and shortsighted
by Ferg June 30, 2003
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Mostly overwieght and overexcitable. But does have lots of perfectly fine people aswell. Lead by a half wit, their nation is trying to be a dictator of the world. They invent the Kyoto treatie to regulate emmitions and then neglect to sign it on the grounds of "it might harm OUR indusrty". Selfish idiots.
by Ferg June 30, 2003
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A busy two lane highway that runs directly through the city of Johns Creek, Georgia. The road sits on a number of rolling hills, contains a few sharp turns, and its speed limit is 45 miles per hour; however, its terrain subsequently blesses the sneaky bastards at JCPD with the element of surprise. All residents of Johns Creek will eventually end up paying for at least ONE speeding ticket while wheeling down this death trap.
"Do you know why im stopping you today sir?"
"Im on state bridge road, this route was my first mistake."
by Ferg April 4, 2019
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Created and first used by the Awooga brothers, Fash the bash, Kris Akabusi and Craig Charles, Awooga is a sign of excitement, happiness and an utterance of agreement.
Welcome to Robot wars, Awooga.

New world record Awooga.

The world is round. Awooga
by Ferg July 28, 2004
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