28 definitions by Elroy Fitz

A more fervant form of finger fucking.

Usually associated with more than one finger and, occasionally, the nether hole.
I'm really in the mood to finger bang someone.
by Elroy Fitz February 1, 2004
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A sexual position where the woman is on her side with her legs scissored out and the man is hitting the bearded orifice in a doggie variation.
It was quite a sesh. We did it cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggie, scissor sideways and finally Kobe-style.
by Elroy Fitz February 1, 2004
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The female reproductive organ. See also quip or twat or stinkbox.
The bearded orifice appeared in my face. I threw a few bills on the stage and went off to unwind.
by Elroy Fitz February 1, 2004
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As in 'big buffoocka.' A term for someone, usually female, who unfortunately suffers from obeisity.
To brake out of my slump I went and banged a buffoocka. Charming, charming girl.
by Elroy Fitz February 1, 2004
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A female, usually of the 'working' variety checking in with her keeper, or pimp, for the purpose of rewarding him monetarily.
It seems like all the bitches on Sunset Blvd make their checks in front of my apartment. There's always some fool screaming something about money.
by Elroy Fitz February 1, 2004
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