4 definitions by Dustin Mislan Duguay

used in some online games that dont allow the word gay so you add a l to hide the gay part.
hahaha ur gayl

man dont be such a gayl
by Dustin Mislan Duguay August 20, 2007
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Don't you just want to kick their ass?
Hey nerd in corner of room, I'm gonna kick your ass!
by Dustin Mislan Duguay August 20, 2007
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A fucking loser ass pussy who cant get a job because he's all washed from saved by the bell. That was a crapy show anyways.
Person1: Dustin Diamond got hit by a car!!
Person2: So...
by Dustin Mislan Duguay August 20, 2007
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Something some people say too make fun of the person you beat a any game.
Person1: uhh you win
Person2: ETH BLOM!
by Dustin Mislan Duguay August 20, 2007
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