86 definitions by Donald Cowboy Cerrone

A very dyke-ish lesbian. They usually dress in army pants and where mens boots and mens shirts. The butch lesbo is also characterized by a butch job haircut. Just like Howie Long's hair style on a woman.
My better half and I went to the County Fair yesterday. It must of been Lesbian Day at the County Fair. I have never seen so many Dyke-ish looking chicks before in my life. This one "lady", who was very butch, cut in front of my ass in the deep fried banana line. I said to her, "hey dyke bitch,your dyke ass just cut in front of me"! She proceeded to kick me in the nuts. Despite the pain I said to myself all bets are off and i dropped her with a nasty left hook. I dont normally hit women but this chick certainly deserved it.The cops came and fortunately arrested the dyke bitch who assaulted me !st......YIPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone February 1, 2018
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When, after giving oral sex to a woman with a hairy vagina, the dude has a few pubic hairs stuck in his teeth.
I had a job interview that I thought went great. I did not get the job and when I got to my car I looked at my face in the rear view mirror and saw a bunch of pubic hairs in my teeth. I realized this is why i failed in my interview. After giving Sophia head before my interview I forgot to check my mouth and floss. This fucking hairpie crisis caused me to blow my interview!
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone September 27, 2017
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She's blowin me crazy, untill my ammunition is dry. Yes. I'm givin the dog a bone!!!
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone December 1, 2017
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When a vagina farts during sex.
Sometimes when I have had sex the chicks vagina farted while I was fucking her. The 1st time it happened I told a friend that her pussy made a farting sound and he told me thats a pussy fart that Starlene did on your dick. When I fucked this girl Nadine, her pussy farted a lot. Nadine had fucked these other guys I knew also. Nadine became my girlfriend. I think her pussy farted so much because it was tight. Chicks with loose pussies or huge vaginas do not pussy fart.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone October 18, 2017
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A small metal designed frepatooky that folks wear on their chest to identify themselves as being in a position of authority or importance.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone September 11, 2018
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The nickname of UFC submission ace Paul Craig.
Paul Craig is a UFC Light Heavy Weight fighter known for his last second finishes. The Scottish Craig is a standout submission fighter who once won a fight via armbar with one second left in the fight. Paul Craig is a badass who goes by the nickname Bear Jew because he looks like a giant Jewish bear. Craig also does a great Rocky impression!
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone April 5, 2019
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Someone who looks like Don Knotts.Could be male or female but often times a fife is a lesbian woman.
"Me"; I have invited Ashley to our party hon. +hon;: I dont think so Jim Dawg, that fife transgender bitch really rubs me the wrong way. +Me;: whatever you say.I will uninvite "her".
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone October 13, 2017
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