16 definitions by Dirt

Dog of the WOG army,genarely a rottweiler. From sktfm.com (show #71)
WOW!! Did you see that WOGdog tear that scientologist apart?
by Dirt August 6, 2004
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To smoke an entire cigerette in one drag, or so furiously you are smoking the filter.
That kid must be stressing, look at him hotboxing cigerette after cigerette.
by Dirt April 13, 2005
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slang for "swag" which is an acronym for "Shit We All Get"
ewwwww! get that shit outta my bowl. i dont smoke shwag.
by Dirt January 29, 2003
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Highly similar to the female "queef", a schmeef is a penile fart.
O man, that schmeef smells like shit
by Dirt March 29, 2004
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derivative of "cuz" meaning cousin which is used to address someone close.
can you hand me that bowl, cah?
by Dirt January 29, 2003
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slang for the Natural Ice beer brand.
im drinkin a 12 of natty tonight
by Dirt January 29, 2003
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